Adventurer's Guide


📌What is Cooking?
- You can cook by using various materials made from farming.
- Obtain different meals to aid your adventure especially in PvP content such as Node/Siege War and Twisted Nightmare

✅ Cooking

- Cooking content is accessible from Tier 5 Town Hall.
- Added a new Cooking tab to the inventory.
ㆍOnly items that can be used as a Cooking ingredient will be stored under the tab.
- Ingredients for Cooking include items obtained from farming Improved Seeds in your greenhouse from Camp or from collecting from and butchering livestock.
ㆍSome ingredients can be obtained from Mediah Merchant Union Delivery rewards and from Cooking.
- Cooking is accessible in normal field areas and in Node War, Siege War, Black Sun, and Twisted Nightmare zones.
ㆍThe content is not accessible from Arena content such as Atumach.
- Added "Cooking EXP +20%" and "Farm Gain +10%" effects to Life Plus buffs.
- Added "Farm Gain +20%" to the effects of "Karki Suit" and "Venecil Dress" Outfits.
ㆍYou'll get a total of "Farm Gain +30%" when both Life Plus and Outfit buffs are applied.

- You can cook each meal with its required ingredients and without fail.
ㆍYou can obtain additional or special meals by Cooking with a great success at a fixed chance.
ㆍYou can either purchase or sell completed meals on the Market.
- Each meal comes with effects including HP recovery, Horse EXP gain, chance of instant success in taming a Wild Horse, resetting Ultimate Quantum Jump cooldown, and more.

- Added a meal slot to the right of the potion slot.
ㆍThe cooldown for this new slot will be applied separately from the HP Potion slot.
- You can gain Cooking EXP from making meals, and you can cook certain meals from a specific Cooking level.
- You can toggle Meals from [Settings → Convenience → Auto-Use] and adjust settings for "HP Left" and "Order."

- An icon will be available for using [Carrot Confit] when attempting to tame a Wild Horse, and the quantity you have will display on the bottom left of the screen.
- Changed the design of the screen displayed when tapping the "Go to Town" icon on the right of the minimap and added a button that allows you to use [Strawberry Salad] that resets Ultimate Quantum Jump's cooldown.

✅ Mediah Merchant Union Delivery

- You can deliver the meals you have cooked to a certain NPC and obtain points to obtain rewards!

ㆍYou can deliver meals to the Mediah Merchant Union via Lucy Benkum in Altinova, South Mediah.

- You can obtain points for Mediah Merchant Union Delivery by delivering meals.
ㆍEach meal scores you different points, and you can check out the points you'll acquire from each selected meal.
ㆍItems can be delivered the same way as they are delivered for Merchant Guild Delivery with Patrigio, and you'll obtain rewards every Monday at 00:00.
ㆍThe points acquired for each meal upon delivery are set.
ㆍYou can also deliver meals purchased from the Market.
ㆍYou cannot deliver [Nutritious Hay], [High-Quality Nutritious Hay], [Carrot Confit], and [Strawberry Salad].
- Delivery scores will resets every Monday at 00:00.

- Adventurers ranked 1 to 15 when delivery scores reset can obtain the additional reward, [Royal Chef Certificate].
- [Royal Chef Certificate] will be valid for 6 days after acquisition.
ㆍYou can craft [Special Valencian Meal] 10 times per day while the certificate is valid.
ㆍUsing [Special Valencian Meal] will recover 35% of Max HP instantly and recover 5,000 HP of nearby allies (excluding self).
ㆍPlease note that having 2 or more Royal Chef Certificates will not increase the daily limit for Cooking [Special Valencian Meal].

- You can obtain [Mediah Merchant Union Reward] of different tiers based on your total delivery score.
ㆍYou'll obtain different quantities of Tears of the Goddess, Chaos Crystals, High-Quality Almonds, and other items from each different tier of [Mediah Merchant Union Reward].
- All Adventurers excluding those ranked from 1 to 15 will each get [Mediah Merchant Union Reward] of different tiers based on their scores, regardless of their rankings.
- The score required for obtaining each grade of [Mediah Merchant Union Reward] and the quantity of items obtained from the reward are as follows.

Rank Required Points Magical Essence Relic Fragment Tear of the Goddess Chaos Crystal  High-Quality Almond  Silver 
800000 or higher 360,000   480,000 14,000   560  560  6000000000
655000 - 799999 294,750   393,000 13,000   518  520  5403750000
595000 - 654999 267,750   357,000 11,900   476  480  5355000000
475000 - 594999 213,500   285,000  9,600   385  390  4631250000
395000 - 474999 207,400   276,500 8,100   324  330  4147500000
315000 - 394999 189,000   252,000 6,500   262  270  3543750000
235000 - 314999 176,250   235,000  4,900   198  200  2820000000
195000 - 234999 155,600   207,500 4,000   166  170  2486250000
155000 - 194999 125,400   167,000 3,300   134  140  2092500000
10  125000 - 154999 103,000   137,700 2,800   109  110  1781250000
11  100000 - 124999 84,500   112,000 2,200   88  90  1500000000
12  75000 - 99999 65,800    87,600   1,700   68  70  1125000000
13  50000 - 75499 47,000   62,500   1,200   45  50  750000000
14  25000 - 49999 28,200   37,500   600   23  30  375000000
15  10000 - 25499 15,000   20,000   500   20  20  150000000
16  1 - 9999 5,000   10,000   60   10  60000000