Autumn Season Guide
Period: After maintenance on Oct 29 (Tue) - before maintenance on Dec 17 (Tue)
Anyone can experience boosted progression with a season character!
All the details on the season are provided in this guide!
How about leveling up your season character more easily through this guide?
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What is a season character?
Experience boosted growth, approximately 5 times faster than with a non-season character!
Equip season-exclusive Tuvala Gear for an easier and more powerful journey!
Learn various content naturally with the Season Pass as you obtain rewards from beginning to end!
How to Create a Season Character
Step 1.
Select a server! We recommend trying out a server with many events and boosts!
Create a season character! If this is your first season, it will be created as a season character!
Step 2.

Already in the middle of an adventure? Create a season character via "Create Character!"
The orange icon indicates a season character.
You can choose any class! Switching classes later won't be a problem!
Proceeding With the Season Pass
What is a Season Pass? It's a series of quests that help you progress steadily!
The Season Pass will help you naturally understand various content as you obtain rewards!
The Season Pass icon is always displayed to the right of the minimap.
You can obtain various rewards, including Tuvala Gear for easier progression!

Complete the season to receive a full set of Chaos Gear and special completion rewards.
How long does it take to complete the season? You can complete it in as little as two days!
Frequently Asked Questions!
Q. To begin with, I'm not sure which class to choose!
A. You can start with any class you want.
In Black Desert Mobile, you can easily and freely change classes.
As you progress through the Season Pass, you'll receive a Character Class Change Coupon that allows you to switch classes.
Q. Do I need to buy the premium Season Pass?
A. You don't have to buy it.
The premium Season Pass helps you progress through the season faster,
and you can also receive bonus rewards needed for character progression,
but you can still complete the season without purchasing it.
Q. If I don't complete the season, will my season character be deleted?
A. No, it will be converted to a non-season character.
We will retroactively apply Chaos Gear based on the enhancement level of your Tuvala Gear. However, since completing the season doesn't take long, we recommend finishing it before the season ends.
Q. I want to delete my season character and start over!
A. Season characters cannot be deleted until the season ends.
If you follow the Season Pass in order, you won't miss any steps or processes necessary for progression, so we suggest continuing until season completion.
If you wish to delete the character to change the class or appearance, you can use a Character Class Change Coupon or Appearance Coupon to make changes without deleting.
Q. Enhancing Tuvala gear is too difficult!
A. Try visiting Resonating Beach.
To accomplish +20 Tuvala Gear, you need a lot of Tuvala Black Crystals.
At Resonating Beach, you can quickly gather them in a short time. Additionally, you can use Advice of Valks 10% and 50% to aid in enhancement.
For higher levels, actively use Advice of Valks 50% and Restoration Scrolls.
For lower levels, make good use of Advice of Valks 10%.
Q. Land of the Morning Light? Everfrost? Great Ocean? Do I need to do them right away?
A. Don't worry, there's no need for you to rush.
It's true that completing stories in special regions like the Land of the Morning Light or Everfrost can help you earn Knowledge rewards.
However, season characters progress the fastest through the Season Pass.
Proceeding with "Season Plus 2" after completing Season Plus is the most efficient way to experience the Land of the Morning Light and Everfrost.
Everfrost is a region you'll frequently visit to loot Eternal Accessories once you reach 35,000 CP.
Similarly, the Land of the Morning Light will become a regular destination to acquire Dawnveil Gear once your Black Spirit Level exceeds 230.
Start your adventure with your season character now!
Season Character
Season Pass
Basic Information
Season Guide
Seasonal Gears
Tuvala Gears
How to Enhance Gears
Season Content
★ A-MUST ★
Acquiring Season Items
Tuvala Rift
Remaining Tuvala Black Crystals
Main Quest Express Pass
Season Character Tips!
Increasing CP aside from equipping gears
Increasing CP during the Season
I have completed the Season! What are the rewards and how can I use it, though?
Guide After Season Completion
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