
GM Quiz & GM Surprise Missions
EVENTS 2022.07.15


Greetings, Adventurers!


Special missions are on-going including GM Quiz this weekend!


Rewards obtained such as [Abyssal] Crystal Chest, Cron Stone, and Alyaelli Fragment will surely make your adventure in more fun!


Check below for more details!




July 16 (Saturday) - July 18 (Monday), 00:07 – 23:30 (Server Time)


1) Log-in to Black Desert Mobile during the event period.

2) Participate in the event by pressing the [GM Quiz Event] icon located on the upper-left.

3) Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer.

※ Please choose your answers carefully as your selection cannot be reverted.

EVENT2. GM Surprise Missions

July 16 (Saturday) - July 18 (Monday), 00:00 – 23:25 (Server Time)

GM Surprise Missions and Rewards
Date  (Server Time)   Missions  Rewards 
7/16 (Sat) Defeat Enemy x10,000  [Abyssal] Crystal Chest x5 
Defeat Enemy x15,000 Cron Stone x500
Consume Stamina x150 Alyaelli Fragment x200 
7/17 (Sun)  Defeat Enemy x10,000  [Abyssal] Crystal Chest x5 
Defeat Enemy x15,000 Cron Stone x500 
Consume Stamina x150  Alyaelli Fragment x200
7/18 (Mon)  Defeat Enemy x10,000  [Abyssal] Crystal Chest x5 
Defeat Enemy x15,000  Cron Stone x500 
Consume Stamina x150  Alyaelli Fragment x200 

Thank you.