
[October 12] Patch Notes
UPDATES 2021.10.12

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Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on October 12 (Tuesday) are here!


In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game.
See below for more details about this update.


※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.
If you find something in-game that's different from the Patch Notes, please feel free to contact the support center.


■ Primal Rift Totem

- Craftable items added
· A recipe to craft [Primal Rift Totem] has been added.

· Primal Rift Totem can be crafted and used after completing the main quest [A Familiar Face]. 
· You can craft [Primal Rift Totem] using a certain amount of [Root of Sorcery] and [Cron Stone] in the Totem category in the Craft menu.

Craft Material Where to Obtain
Root of Sorcery It can be obtained from Hadum's Realm in East Valencia Chaos Zone.
Cron Stone x1,000 It can be obtained by Basic Craft in Lv 3 Alchemy Lab or higher in Camp

※ [Primal Rift Totem] has separate AP, DP and Move Speed (9.4%), and it can have its AP and DP increased through enhancement.
- A recipe has been added so that Abyssal Totems can be changed to another Abyssal Totem.


- Enhancement
· [Primal Rift Totem] can be enhanced by using [Root of Sorcery].
· As the enhancement level increases, AP and DP values ​​increase, and the enhancement level can be increased to a maximum of +40.
· Primal Rift Totem's Enhancement can be attempted at the desired probability using [Root of Sorcery] as a material.
· The minimum probability for enhancement is 10% and if it fails, the chance of enhancement is reset to 0%.


- Combine Totem
· Primal Rift Totem can be combined with one each of the Abyssal Wrathful/Savior/Unity Rift Totems to further increase their stats.
· Only totems of +4 or higher can be combined.
※ For the highest level Abyssal Totem, the AP and DP of the totem are applied at 100%.
※ For the middle level Abyssal Totem, the AP and DP are applied at about 75%.
※ For the lowest level Abyssal Totem, the AP and DP are applied at about 30%.


Enhancement Level Second Highest Abyssal Totem Lowest Abyssal Totem
+4 About 75.49% About 29.41%
+5 About 76.12% About 31.34%
+6 About 74.03% About 32.04%
+7 About 74.18% About 31.56%
+8 About 75.08% About 31.38%
+9 About 75.58% About 31.16%
+10 About 75.44% About 31.75%

※ The above values ​​have been rounded to two decimal places for ease of understanding.


- One of the Abyssal Rift Totem stats, the Accessory Enhancement level up, will apply the highest value among the combined totems.
- The Abyssal Totem's unique ability, when combined to the Primal Rift Totem, will apply regardless of its enhancement level.
· Wrathful Rift Totem: Black Spirit skill damage increase +50%
· Unity Rift Totem: Adventurer Damage +3%, PvP Damage Received -3%
· Savior Rift Totem: Second Wind Cooldown 400 seconds


- You can check the Equalized stats by tapping the combined Abyssal Totem within [Combine Totem].
※ Combined Abyssal Rift Totems can be extracted.
※ Any enchantments on the Abyssal Rift Totem used as a material will be deleted.


- With the addition of the Primal Rift Totem, the extraction cost event will be held for 2 weeks after combining.

※ Currency required for extraction after the event ends:

+4 Totem: 200 Black Pearls or 100,000,000 Silver
+5 Totem: 200 Black Pearls or 500,000,000 Silver
+6 Totem: 300 Black Pearls or Chaos Jewel x1
+7 Totem: 500 Black Pearls or Chaos Jewel x2
+8 Totem: 700 Black Pearls or Chaos Jewel x3
+9 Totem: 900 Black Pearls or Chaos Jewel x4
+10 Totem: 900 Black Pearls or Chaos Jewel x4

(Added on October 12)

- Root of Sorcery Acquire Rate Increase
※ With the addition of Primal Rift Totems, the probability of obtaining [Root of Sorcery] has been increased.


■ Patrigio

- Some of Patrigio's Shop items have been changed.
· New Items: Tier 6 Pet Chest, Primal Defense Gear
· Removed Item: Mysterious Crystal Sack
· Probability Increase: Mystical Accessory Chest
· Probability Decrease: Black Market Vendor's Precious Main Weapon Chest, Black Market Vendor's Precious Sub-Weapon Chest, Black Market Vendor's Precious Armor Chest, Black Market Vendor's Precious Helmet Chest, Black Market Vendor's Precious Gloves Chest, Black Market Vendor's Precious Shoes Chest
· Replaced 50 Boss Stamps Chest (2,500,000 Silver): Boss Stamp Chest(x150, 3,600,000 Silver)
· Replaced 50 Ancient Tablets Chest (1,500,000 Silver): Ancient Tablet Chest (x150, 3,600,000 Silver)


■ PvP Contents


Developer's Comments:
On March 23 and July 13, the minimum damage ratio has increased by 75%, compared to before the March 9 update.
About 3 months have passed since the update, so we want to increase the remaining minimum damage ratio by 25% (about a 13% increase compared to July 13).

- The ratio of the minimum damage caused by the difference in CP is increased by about 13%.

■ Sura

Developer's Comments:
Sura is a class that hones in on enemy weaknesses and strikes at them in an instant to inflict fatal damage.
He is also called the shadow of the battlefield for his fast, powerful swordsmanship that belies his appearance.

In order to make use of his original fighting style, one should should utilized his enhanced speed and mobility and then move in with powerful attacks.
Currently, Sura has felt a bit too heavy to make this kind of presence, and the conditions that must be fulfilled to increase his skill damage are rather difficult.

The new passive skill [Slash] bestows effects that can complement and strengthen Sura's shortcomings.
It greatly increases the damage of the first skill used during stealth, which will allow him to live up to his name as the shadow of the battlefield.

Also, during the [Slash] state, how abilities are affected will flow with the characteristics of the skills themselves.
For example, [Shadow Break] will have an additional attack with increased mobility,
and [Flow: Shadow Fang] will do more damage.

Now, the shadow hiding in the battlefield can threaten any enemy the moment he discovers their existence.
We hope you will enjoy Sura, now armed with more agile and stronger skills.

▷ Katana Mastery

· The passive skill [Slash] has been added to the [Katana Mastery] skill.


- [Slash] effects
· First skill damage +50% applied when in stealth
· [Slash] effect applied after using 80 MP
· Recover 20 MP upon using all skills
· MP does not recover when [Slash] effect is applied.


- [Slash]
· [Shadow Break]: additional attack
· [Shadow Break]: skill damage 150% applied
· [Shadow Break]: PvP skill Damage 50% applied
· Super Armor applied during additional attack (Not applied when entering Arena)
· [Twin Dragon]: Increased Attack Speed
· [Blade Storm]: Increased Attack Range
· [Shadow Fang]: 2 additional hits


- Blinding Slash
· Skill's MP Cost has been removed.
· [Intensify: Reduce MP Cost] has been changed to [Intensify: Increase Range].


- Shadow Break
· [Cannot grab] effect when using skill has been changed to [Cannot grab while moving].
· Time for additional attack after using [Shadow Break] has been reduced.
· Delayed effect when hitting with [Shadow Break] has been reduced.


■ Fletcher

Fletcher is a long-distance class that shoots a piercer, instead of an arrow, with his greatbow. It is much larger than a normal bow.
It is reminiscent of the destructive power of a heavy piercer, yet is still able to fire quickly.

Fletcher was good at displaying the weight of this power, he failed show a truly "powerful" shot.
There was a wide gap in usablility among his skills and a missed shot could be critical.
The main attack skill must also be used in place, which made him easily exposed to enemy attacks.

A new passive skill was developed with a focus on securing sufficient damage even in the case of Fletcher's heavy attacks.
The passive skill [Piercing Darkness] deals additional damage with a spear of light when hitting with all skills.
The Spear of Light compensates for damage while preparing the next skill.
Enemies that survive Fletcher's attacks can also deal extra damage.
In addition, this ability has been further enhanced by increasing damage dealt to monsters.

[Jackpot] has been added with an enhanced skill to show the power of a proper "one-shot".
The effect of the enhanced skill [Ultimate: Jackpot] increases the longer you hold the button, as condensing the power of light increases skill damage in this way.
At maximum power, [Jackspot] will clearly show the power to the enemy why Fletcher shoots a spear.
With new skills, Fletcher puts the right use of the power of light on top of the heavy weapons of the greatbow and piercer.
Check out how that power will unfold on the battlefield. If possible, when you are not Fletcher's enemy.

▷ Greatbow Mastery
· A passive skill [Piercing Darkness] has been added to [Greatbow] Mastery.
- [Piercing Darkness]
· [Piercing Darkness] effect applied for 20 seconds when using skills 3 times.
· Recovers 10 MP on successful hit of all skills.
· [Spear of light] additional attack on successful of all skills.
· Damage against monsters +15% for 20 seconds
- Spear of Light: Same damage applied as Greatbow Mastery


- Volley of Reckoning
· Improved the ability of the skill direction, forward and backward, to attack while moving.


- Jackpot
· Enhanced skill [Ultimate: Jackpot] has been added.


- [Ultimate: Jackpot]
· Consumes 20 MP to increase skill damage by 20% while holding the skill button (can be applied up to 4 times)


■ Lupa 

- Gravity Bolt
· Heilang's [Gravity Bolt], which is activated when Lupa falls, has been improved so that the number of uses of Lupa's [Gravity Bolt] is not deducted.


■ Warlord

- To Arms
· The conditions for using passive skill [To Arms] have been improved. (The conditions for using To Arms are shared)
· Skill and evasion conditions have been improved from 4 times to 2 times. (4 times > 2 times)
· Improved running conditions from 3 seconds to 1 second. (3 sec > 1 sec)
· "Disable To Arms after using enhanced skill" description has been added.


■ Tower of Trials
- Improved Tower of Trials to notify you, based on the CP of the selected team, that they can clear the highest floor.


■ Chat
- The chat UI under the mini map in Normal Field and Camp's chat UI have been improved to display the content of the selected tab.
※ When moving map, all tabs will be restored to their original state.


■ UI
- Updated the alarm widgets next to the mini map, so if there are more than 9, you can expand and collapse to check them.


■ Classes (Common) 
- Fixed an issue where during Second Wind Invoker's Shock debuff was not removed.


■ Phantasma

Fixed an issue when after turning weapon off in town while wearing certain outfits, going back to the character selection window caused Phantasma's hand to disappear.


■ Adventurer's Apparition
- Fixed an issue in Ancient Ruins, where Adventurer's Apparition appeared to overlap.


■ Enhancement
- Fixed an issue where while using Black Stones to enhance, even after reaching 100% it appeared as if Black Stones are being used.


■ Juur Sea
- A new area, Juur Sea, will be added after maintenance on October 19. Adventurers who are anticipating this update should be mindful of their endurance.

※ With the addition of Juur Sea, the “[Weekly] Juur Phantom Ship” quest will be available as soon as you have upgraded your ship to Epheria Caravel.

■ New Events
- [Recommended] Mysterious Rune Fragments Daily Exchange Event
・Event Period: After maintenance on October 12 (Tuesday) - until October 18 (Monday), 23:59
- Edan's Daily Missions
・Event Period: After maintenance on October 12 (Tuesday) - until October 18 (Monday), 23:59
- Attention! Totem Bonus Event!
・Event Period: After maintenance on October 12 (Tuesday) - until October 18 (Monday), 23:59


■ Ended Events
- Mystic Premium Login Event
- Nelopole's Daily Mission Event
- Mogley's Daily Missions!
- Great Ocean Special Quest

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


■ New Items

- Special Pack > Totem Step-up
· Limited Totem Step-up I
· Limited Totem Step-up II

· Limited Totem Step-up III


- Special Package
· All-in-One Add-Ons


- Lucky Shop Pack
· Totem + Lucky Shop