
[January 12] Patch Notes (Updated)
UPDATES 2021.01.11

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Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes addressing the changes for Tuesday, January 12 at 00:00 (Server Time) are here!


The following changes will be applied to the Pearl Shop and in-game events.
For more information, check out the Pearl Shop and Events Tab in the game.



New Events
- (Pass) Hello, 2021! New Year's Resolutions: Mission List
・January 12 (Tuesday), 00:00 - Until January 25 (Monday), 23:59
- Eileen's Shop of Wonders
・January 12 (Tuesday), 00:00 - Until January 18 (Monday), 23:59
- World Boss Fragment Exchange Event (Weapon)
・January 12 (Tuesday), 00:00 - Until January 25 (Monday), 23:59
- World Boss Fragment Exchange Event (Armor)
・January 12 (Tuesday), 00:00 - Until January 25 (Monday), 23:59


■ Ending Events

Ends on January 11, 23:59

- Black Desert Mobile 1-Year Anniversary Fiesta
- Defeat the World Bosses!
- Nova Level Up Event
- Great Desert Bingo Event!
- Adventurer's Act of Kindness (Ending of Exchange Period)
- Puzzle Event


Ends on January 12, 23:59

- Nova Premium Login Event


- The Black Sun time will change to the following during the scheduled maintenance of January 19.


  Before After
Zone West Valencia / North Valencia (To be released in the future)
Days Wed / Fri / Sun Wed / Sun
Time 21:00 - 22:00 18:00 - 19:00 / 21:00 - 22:00*

* After the change, Black Sun can be entered up to two times per day

・An event will take place that triples Black Sun score rewards (Grail of Gloom). Adventurers will receive triple the reward, relative to their Black Sun Score, on January 17 (Sunday) after the maintenance. (Updated on January 13)



※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


■ New Products
- Monday Chest
- Tuesday Chest
- Wednesday Chest
- Thurday Chest
- Friday Chest
- Saturday Chest
- Sunday Chest
- All-in-One Enhancement Pack
[January 12 (Tuesday) - TBA]


■ Sales Ending


■ Sales Ending Next Week
- Limited Boss & Tablet Chest
- Lightstone Fragments Chest
- Pearls + Lightstone Fragments I
- Pearls + Lightstone Fragments II
- Major Growth Chest
- Pearls + Abyssal Lightstones
- Pearls + Boss Passes
- Pearls + Abyssal Crystals
- Pet Package
- World Boss Pass Package
- Alchemy Stone Enhancement Package
- Steady Seller Package
- Boss Stamp Package
- Major Boss Stamp Package
- Ancient Tablet Package
- Major Ancient Tablet Package
- Ancient Gold Coin Package
- Major Ancient Gold Coin Package
- All-Inclusive Alchemy Stone Package
- Grand Growth Chest
- Pearls + Hadum's Realm I
- Pearls + Hadum's Realm II
- Abyssal Accessory Challenge Chest
- Pearls + Ancient Tablet
- Pearls + Restoration Scrolls
- Pearl Fortune Chest
- Lucky Totem Chest
- Lucky Accessory Pack
- Pearls + Boss Stamps
- Pearls + Ancient Gold Coins
- Pearls + Relic Fragments
- Pearls + Path of Glory I
- Pearls + Path of Glory II
- Pearls + Path of Glory III
- Path of Glory Season 2 Chest
- Giant Ancient Tablet Chest
- Battle Preparation Chest
- All-in-One Package
- Fragments Challenge Chest
- Pearls + Relic Enchantment I
- Pearls + Relic Enchantment II
- Pearls + Relic Enchantment III
- Relic Enchantment Pack
- Pearls + Lucky Chest I
- Pearls + Lucky Chest II
- Pearls Fortune Chest II
- Lucky Fragments Chest
- December 3-for-2 Accessory Package
- December 3-for-2 Relic Package
- December 3-for-2 Alchemy Stone Package
- December 3-for-2 Fragment Package
- December 3-for-2 Glyph Package
- Steps of Fortune: Pets
- Boss Stamps & Tablets of Fortune