
[July 20] Patch Notes (Updated)
UPDATES 2021.07.20

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Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on July 20 (Tuesday) are here!


In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game.
See below for more details about this update.


※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.
If you find something in-game that's different from the Patch Notes, please feel free to contact the support center.


■ First Prophet's Room

Developer's Comments:

Tangled Time is a mysterious power found among the scattered energy after the chaos subsided. Numerous scholars have not been able to uncover the potential power of Tangled Time, but an adventurer has discovered that when a slate inscribed with ancient symbols and tangled time meet, it resonates and opens up an unknown space. Tangled Time leads us to the beginning, when the prophet first created the ruins. The prophet who made a room deep in the ruins had Kabuamilles guard it, but there are still doubts about what he was protecting. Deep in the ruins, get the treasure that the First Prophet has hidden after fighting Primordial Kabuamilles.

- First Prophet's Room has been discovered in the Ancient Ruins.

- Tap the Primordial button on the lower left side of the Ancient Ruins window to enter the First Prophet's Room.

- You can enter First Prophet's Room after reaching Kabuamilles Knowledge Lv. 100 (Added on 7/21).
- First Prophet's Room is accessible after defeating [Boss: Crescent Gatekeeper] in South Valencia.
- Use [Ancient Tablet] x10,000 and [Tangled Time] x1 to enter.
- First Prophet's Room has 2 difficulty levels and the higher level yields more rewards. The required CP for each level is as follows:
· Difficulty Lv.1 required CP: 15,000
· Difficulty Lv.2 required CP: 20,000

- The First Prophet's Room's multiplier can be increased by 1 per 50 levels of Guardian Kabuamilles knowledge.
- The reward multiplier can be set after creating a chamber.
- Modified the item description for [Tangled Time].


■ Primal Lightstone

- Added Primal Lightstone which emanate primordial power.
- The Primal Lightstone posses additional AP and DP stats, on top of their main and equipped stats.
- Crafted Primal Lightstone possess an enhancement limit of 20.
- One Primal Lightstone can be used to create Holy Vial of Light x120.


- Crafting Primal Lightstone

· Added Crafting for Primal Lightstone.
· Craft Primal Lightstone in the Lightstone category of Craft window.
· Materials needed to craft Primal Lightstone: [Abyssal] Lightstone + Holy Vial of Light x180
※ The crafted Primal Lightstone's stats will increase proportional to the stats of the Abyssal Lightstone used as a material.


- Enhancing Primal Lightstone

· Use [First Element] obtained in Ancient Ruins: First Prophet's Room to enhance [Primal Lightstone].
· The Primal Lightstone's AP & DP will increase upon a successful enhancement attempt.
· Each enhancement attempt could either succeed or fail and the enhance limit will decrease by 1 regardless of the result.
· A Primal Lightstone with a depleted enhance limit cannot be enhanced anymore.
※ Upon reaching certain enhancement levels the required amount of [First Element] will increase.


- With the addition of the Enhance Lightstone button to the Black Spirit menu, the Equip Lightstone and Fuse Lightstone windows can be accessed through the new Lightstone Equip/Fuse button.

- Free Lightstone Extraction Event:
※ With the addition of Primal Lightstones, extracting Lightstones will be free for 2 weeks. The event ends during maintenance on August 3.


■ World Boss

Developer's Comments:

World Bosses appear and disappear at certain times. The number of appearances per week is limited, so missing the opportunity means waiting another week to see them again.

You've probably experienced a situation where you couldn't defeat a World Boss because you couldn't play the game when they appeared.
We wanted to mitigate issues that arise from any time constraints that can be inconvenient for our Adventurers.
Therefore, we have made changes so that different Word Bosses appear twice for each of the 12:00-14:00 and 20:00-22:00 time frames.
We hope you don't miss these and can better enjoy your game experience!

- Some World Bosses now spawn in two different time frames (12:00 - 14:00 & 20:00 - 22:00) instead of just one.
ㆍ Changed the World Bosses who spawned between 12:00 - 14:00 to also spawn between 20:00 - 22:00.
ㆍ Changed the World Bosses which spawned between 20:00 - 22:00 to also spawn between 12:00 - 14:00.

※ Nouver, Kutum World Bosses who spawn on Wednesdays have been designed to appear between 19:00 ~ 21:00 to respect the previous Kutum's appearance time and also open the time slot for Chaos Muraka that appears at 20:00 (Added on 7/21).


- World Bosses Affected by the Change:
· Monday: Kzarka
· Tuesday: Karanda, Enraged Red Nose
· Wednesday: Nouver, Kutum
· Thursday: Karanda, Enraged Muskan
· Friday: Kzarka, Hadum: Enraged Red Nose
· Saturday: Enraged Bheg, Enraged Giath
· Sunday: Nouver, Hadum: Kzarka


- Tukar Laytenn and Chaos Muraka will spawn without any changes.
- The World Boss entry limit has been updated to count on a daily basis.
ㆍ For example, if you defeated Karanda between 12:00 - 14:00, you cannot enter Karanda's dungeon after 20:00 on the same day.

- Modified the opening animation after entering the World Boss dungeon so that, depending on your knowledge level, it can be skipped.
· Lv. 1: opening animation will play out and there will be no skip button.
· Lv. 2 - 9: opening animation will play and there will be a skip button.
· Lv. 10 and up: the opening animation will skip automatically

- Improved the World Boss Status Board to more clearly display when opening conditions for that World Boss are not met.


■ Hero of Karkea

- Added Karkea Arena for the duration of two weeks, starting from July 20.

※ What is Karkea Arena?
- Karkea Arena is an Arena where, when Adventurers with CP higher than 9,000 enter, the characters' CP, HP, Damage, and other character stats are normalized.


[Adjustment Details]
・Debuff Immunity: 10% (Giant, Titan, Destroyer: 15%)
・Crit Chance: 35%
・Critical Hit Damage: 150%
・Attack Speed: 20%
・Move Speed: 20%
・Branch Damage Increase: 50%
・Extra Damage to Other Adventurers: 5%
・Reduce Damage From Other Adventurers: 5%

· Applies to Skill Level and HP of all Adventurers. (Added on 7/21)
- Hero of Karkea is available until maintenance on August 3 (Tuesday).
- The Hero of Karkea event page will be displayed until August 2 (Monday), 23:59.
※ Adventurers who gain the most points in the event will be announced in a separate notice. We hope you enjoy the event.


- When Karkea Arena begins, a button will be displayed which can retrieve the saved Skills' information.
ㆍ If you do not use this button, all the Flows will be turned on, pressing the button will apply your saved preferences regarding Flow On/Off state.


■ Corsair

- Fixed an issue in Node War, Siege War, and Battlefield of the Sun where Corsair's shape shifting skill did not display properly.
- Fixed an issue where Riding Waves's cooldown time applied abnormally.
- Improved a situation where using Super Armor Skills after attacking with Flying Wave would, at times, lead to falling over.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, after using Black Spirit's Rage during auto-combat, it could be canceled out.


■ Kunoichi
- Fixed an issue where Kunoichi's Viper Strike did not properly teleport her to her target in Ranked Arena, Normal Arena, Ramoness, and Battlefield of the Sun.


■ Ramoness Watch Mode
- Increased evasion use limit from 3 to 4 (added on July 21).


■ Quest Widget

Developer's Comments:

Due to more diversity in game, the number of quest types has also increased.
As Adventurers enjoy more diverse quests, the display of the quest Interface may have become an inconvenience.
Some completed quests became hard to notice if you didn't scroll all the way down.
We have updated the Quest List so it is easier for Adventurers to see their quests at a glance.
We will keep working on similar inconveniences for our Adventurers.

- Improved the quest widget so that up to 3 quests display. Up to 4 quests will be displayed in Great Desert.

(Added on July 29th)
※ The maximum number of quests that can be processed at the same time are the following:
- Main Quest: 1
- Story: 2 (3 after completing "Open Desert" Quest)
- Family Quest (Camp Quest, etc): 4
- Character Quest (Repeatable Quest, etc): 5

- Completed quests take the highest priority and can be finished immediately using the widget.
- If you have accepted quests, you can tap the button next to the quest widget to open a quest list where they are displayed.
- The Great Desert Exploration Log will display when moving to the area, just as before.
- Added a button that will move you directly to the Adventure Log for main quests.
ㆍ You can reflect on your past Adventures and check the dialogs.

- Improved to allow checking a quest's rewards.


■ Daily Tasks

- Modified some of the rewards for completing Bounty Mission x2 in the Daily Tasks.
· Before: Mystical Crystal Chest x4 (Not applicable if Black Spirit level and Rift Stone level are under 100)
· After: Orwen's Prized Treasure Chest
※ Orwen's Prized Treasure Chest gives a guaranteed Abyssal Lightstone with AP/DP sub-abilities.


■ Collection
- Modified some needed items to complete Goyen's Brothers.
▷ Collection: The Promise of Knighthood
· Before: Dairy Cow Milk
· After: Sheep Milk

▷ Collection: Dandelion's Defeat
· Before: Golden Cheese
· After: Golden Wool


■ World Boss Spoils
- Fixed an issue where "spoils available" would display even if Chaos Muraka or Tukar Laytenn's spoils were not available.


■ Dark Matter Stone
- Added information about where to obtain Dark Matter Stone to the item description.


■ Shakatu's Shop
- Improved [Buy 10] so that you can skip the animation if you tap the screen.


■ Mission
- Changed 'Mission: Trapped Inside the Maze' name to 'Mission: Marni's Lab Maze'


■ Boss Stamp Exchange
- Improved the Boss Stamp Exchange so that you can skip the animation by tapping the screen.


■ Application Installation
- Exchanged some class battle images in the download page to display other classes.


■ Contribution Level
- My Character Info page has been updated to display Contribution level.


■ Debuff Resistance Stats
- Improved My Character Information window to display debuff resistance stats using a percentage (%).


■ Black Spirit Mode
- Limited the size of the lower section for acquired resources in the Black Spirit Mode's rewards so that it does not cover the acquired items.


■ Content Reward Position
- Updated the rewards for some content so that they are sent to the Character Inventory instead of the Pearl Inventory.
· Shiny Boss Loot Chest - [Epic] Condensed Dark Energy Chest
· Arena Reward - [Rare] Condensed Dark Energy Chest
· Ramoness Tasks - Alchemy Stone Chest


■ Game Options & Optimization
- Added the option to turn damage number effects On/Off.
- New effect optimization has been added to improve the game experience.
- Some optimizations have been set to improve device performance.


■ Chatting
- Improved chat window to better display chat time.
- Improved chat so that the player's and the other party's responses are better distinguished.


■ Gervaise
- Improved content so that the Dark Coin merchant, Gervaise, does not display her shop before Hadum's opening.
※ You can check whether or not you have access to the shop when talking to Gervaise.


■ Wardrobe
- Increased the minimum number of Wardrobe slots from 30 to 50.
- Improved the wardrobe so that it can be expanded up to maximum 400 slots using Wardrobe +5 Slot Expansion Coupon.


■ Specteral Boss
- Improved the party creation window for Muraka's Specter Helmet and Tukar Laytenn's Core to show information about specters.


■ Holy Vial of Splendor
- Increased the usage time from 24 to 48 hours.


■ Party Based Content
- Improved right-side party widget for Ancient Ruins, Field of Valor, Ramoness, etc so that you can also see if the room is public or private.

- Improved the party-based content so that party leader position is delegated to another member if the party leader leaves.
- An improvement was made regarding the party disbanding when the party leader left the party.


■ Guild War
- Improved the mode so that, after the Guild War is over, there will be no Adventurers left with an unfinished war.


■ Enchantment
- Added an additional deletion step to prevent the deletion of an Enchantment by mistake.


■ Auto-Gather
- Improved Auto-Gather to reduce getting trapped by topographical features on the way to the target.


■ Giant
- Improved Giant's customization no. 9 (hair and beard) to resolve an issue where, when the character was seen from the far, it would disappear in an extreme-looking manner.


■ Dark Knight
- Improved Dark Knight's Ataraxia Outfit so that it does not break if the character is customized to have maximum bust.


■ Corsair
- Fixed an issue where, in the lobby, Corsair's waiting body animation at times appeared abnormal.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, when cancelling Corsair's shapeshifting skill, it would lead to unexpected game termination.


■ Great Desert
- Fixed an issue where, at times, there was a delay in temples appearing.


■ Siege War
- Fixed the problem of the result pop-up text that appears when the Siege War ends due to timeout during the Siege.


■ Lightstone
- Fixed an issue where, at times, if you logged in from a different platform while running Auto-fill, it would cause UI issues in the Lightstone menu.


■ CP Analysis Suggestion UI
- Fixed an issue where, in the CP Analysis Suggestion popup in the suggested Gear craft, the number of materials you own did not display properly.


■ Skill Preset
- Fixed an issue where changing skill presets in Ramoness and Battlefield of the Sun could lead to an inability to use some skills in the field.


■ Outfit
- Fixed an issue where the Marine Romance Pearl Shop icon displayed differently for some classes.


■ Camp
- Fixed an issue where, at times, in the stable a different horse was displayed as wearing the Barding.


■ Account
- Fixed an issue where the request to withdraw membership did not register well at times.


■ Adventurer's Apparition
- Fixed an issue where, at times, when using content with Adventurer's Apparition, the apparitions were of the Warrior class.


■ Notification Settings
- Fixed an issue where, at times, notification settings did not save.


■ Horse
- Fixed an issue where, at times, the UI of the horse taming minigame did not display properly.


■ Nightmare
- Fixed an issue causing jamming under a certain stair in Hadum Nightmare: Gahaz region.


■ Quest
- Blood Kin quests and quest rewards will be modified after the July 27 maintenance.

※ Your unfinished Blood Kin quests will be deleted. You can continue with the new quests after the update.


■ Starting Event
- Hero of Karkea
・Event period: after maintenance on July 20 (Tuesday) - until August 2 (Monday), 23:59
- Ancient Ruins Conquest Plans!
・Event period: after maintenance on July 20 (Tuesday) - until August 2 (Monday), 23:59


■ Ending Event
- Heidel Ball Special Login Event
- Corsair Launch Gift
- Corsair Premium Login Event
- New Class Corsair Level Up Event
- Puzzle Event


※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


■ New Items
- The Golden Crate
※ Use Black Pearls to get diverse and valuable items.


- Challenge Shop
· Ancient Tablet x20,000


- Special Package
· Pearls + Primordial Ruins
· Pearls + Primordial Ruins II
· Orwen's Treasure Chest
· Caphras' Treasure Chest


■ Item & Packages No Longer Available
- Ancient Tablet x15,000