
[March] Node / Siege War Monthly Report - Interview with Guilds with Most Wins

Greetings, Adventurers!


Last February, we sent out our first monthly report on Node War and Siege War, and we are back for another month to recognize outstanding Guilds that recorded the most wins in March.


[Guild with 'Most Wins' - March]

  North America Europe Asia
Guild Name INFAMOUS Heroez SolSticE

*Guilds with the most wins are based on the sum of victorious matches in Node War and Siege War for the month of March.
*If there were two Guilds that topped with the same amount of wins, the Guild with the shorter playtime was selected.


It’s time to find out more about the Guilds that recorded the most wins in the month of March.

Let's go see the interviews of three guild masters [FPV], [Nakazaki] and [VisualKitten]!



※ This is an interview with [FPV], the guild leader of the [INFAMOUS]

INFAMOUS is built upon a foundation of morality.
We're a group of seasoned gamers, who unbeknownst, found a home within the Guild.
Nobody is just a number, and behind every member of the guild is a person that we have found value in.
Combine that with the ambition to win, INFAMOUS is a force to be reckoned with.


We're honestly all at a loss for words, but I'm proud of everyone in the Guild.
I've spent the past week reflecting and had never actually realised the momentum we had gotten going.
This was the goal from the start, and together, we have manifested the reality of becoming one of the top contenders in the war scene!


Over-preparation and tenacity are the driving force behind our warmachine. There is no one-strategy-to-all. Always have a plan B.


I remember it like it was just yesterday, the very first Official Node War Season of Black Desert Mobile.
The usual, we prepared days in advance and begun our war briefing 30 minutes before the actual war and made entry into the match 5 minutes prior to commencing.
The Officers checked on all of the teams, making sure our plans were good to go, the usual.
Then a member called out, "Guys! They're here!". It was at this moment that I knew I messed up.
We had been bantering with each other for well over 5 minutes, and everybody seemed to forget the fact that we were here to fight a war.
To make matters worse, it was a 1v1 against the strongest Guild in all of Heidel, and we had allowed them to get the jump and put us on the defense.
We did not last past the 3-minute mark nor did we get to leave our base.
This was the most memorable war for us, as it sure taught us a well-learnt lesson.


When your leader misses this interview invitation for February, and this time, ALL of the members had received the mail to make sure it gets brought up to his attention. Woops!


Special thanks to the Officers, LeoLucid & Flyin, and Khaden.
Without these guys, we would not have achieved at the lengths we have today, but more importantly, without the dedication that lies within the rest of our ranks, there would be no Guild.
A huge shoutout to everybody past and present who have come along for the journey and making this possible!
Each and every one of the members hold a special place of their own inside INFAMOUS.
And lastly, the devs at Pearl Abyss, thank you for being awesome and granting us this opportunity.



※ This is an interview with [Nakazaki], the guild leader of the [Heroez]

Heroez - A German Guild made up of members of a German "mobile game community" that holds more than 150 members.


Of course, we are proud to have been recognized.
Heroez members are talking about the "The most wins of Node/Siege War in March" message, which was sent to their Guild Master, Nakazaki.


It is our primary goal to be active on Node Wars and to gain the Guild Fund to level up the buildings.
It’s in the Heroez' rules and needs to be accepted to join our Guild.


There are a lot of fun stories which happened internally within our Guild.


Nakazaki is very proud of all of his members.

Their loyalty, activity, and their joy to be in the Heroez Guild transfers a new energy/power to Nakazaki's property.

If Nakazaki was able to give any rewards with the in-game Guild menu, he would like to reward them for their activity and loyalty.

Nakazaki is proud of having this people behind him.



※ This is an interview with [VisualKitten], the guild leader of the [SolStice]

We created our Guild way back in soft launch.
Solstice is competitive though with less restrictions and rules for etiquette in order to build rapport.
We're maintaining the freedom of our expressions within our members, but still we're striving to maintain our goals.


We're pleased and mildly astonished.


Planning, orientations, and meetings regarding the game plan, map information, development of tactics, and to discuss all that with everyone involved.


The first Node War. The War that imparted our knowledge.


That's confidential...something personal.

Free White Pearls!



Thank you to  [FPV], [Nakazaki] and [VisualKitten] for taking time in our interview.

We hope that you will continue to enjoy playing in Node War and Siege War.


Thank you.