
[2023 Heidel Ball] Looking Back at Heidel Ball

[2023 Heidel Ball] Looking Back at Heidel Ball

Greetings, Adventurers. This is CM Roccio.

We have just concluded our special moment with Adventurers at [2023 Heidel Ball].
Although we had it online, it was indeed a meaningful Ball where were able to become closer with our Adventurers.
To our Adventurers who have shown their love and support to Black Desert Mobile,
and to those who stayed with us in the livestream chat - Thank you!
We would like to share with you the photos taken from the place where Heidel Ball was held.

If you have missed or would like to watch the 2023 Heidel Ball livestream again,
You may watch the video below.

[2023 BDM Heidel Ball Video]


Black Desert Mobile Moving Forward

We have introduced the upcoming updates in the Heidel Ball to our Adventurers.
The content, starting from the new region, Land of the Morning Light,
will also be able to experience the newest class, Choryeong, Character Copy update, and others which are summarized below.

Expected Update: September 12(Tue), 2023.

The Holy Vial of Light consumed when Tier-1 is activated in Hadum and Chaos regions when defeating monsters will soon be removed,
and an update where consumption for Tier 2 and Tier 3 will be lesser compared to before will be added.

The required three(3) Black Spirit Quests and Guild Quest will now be lessened to one(1), and the rewards obtained from 3 quests will also be maintained.
Expected Update: September 12(Tue), 2023.

The three(3) - five(5) difficulty levels of each kind of Temple will also be simplified where you will only have to complete one instead. The rewards obtained from completing the Temples will remain as well.
Expected Update: September 5(Tue), 2023.

New rewards such as Trials of Ator: Ancient Entry Pass and Luminescent Crystal, will be added to Black Rock Shrine when obtaining rewards using Edana Coins
Expected Update: September 26(Tue), 2023.

Expected Update: September 12(Tue), 2023.

"The need for Boss Knowledge by obtaining CP gets higher as the
As the CP acquired through Boss Knowledge gets higher, it also takes a longer time in order to get relevant CP by repeating Boss Rush content. To improve this,"
We will allow alt classes from the Family to be able to run Boss Rush until all passes are consumed.

Expected Update: September 12(Tue), 2023.

This content allows your main character to share CP from gear and level with an alternate character.
Through this new content, you can access the content you prefer using a different character.


Expected Update: September 26(Tue), 2023.

A new continent of the East, Land of the Morning Light is about to open for all Adventurers.

From new NPCs and stories, up to the magnificent view of the Land of the Morning Light.
A continent in the East - let us all experience new adventures in this new region!

Expected Update: September 26(Tue), 2023.

We can meet new bosses and various stories in the Land of the Morning Light.

As introduced in Heidel Ball, Black Shrine provides new content where you need to defeat bosses.
This content will require a bit of strategy and control compared to the normal boss rush.
You can also obtain materials needed to craft a new item that is a level above Chaos gear, "Dawnveil Gear."

Expected Update: September 26(Tue), 2023.

Choryeong is a class referring to traditional Korean beliefs regarding,
a flower garden of the netherworld, "Seocheon," which she draws her powers from.

Join the newest class who summons netherflowers for more fun adventures.

Expected Pre-Season Update: August 29(Tue), 2023.
Expected Season Update: September 26(Tue), 2023.

This is the first season character of Black Desert Mobile.
This pre-season, you will be able to experience fast CP progression,
and various improvements and events have been prepared to help new and returning Adventurers
in their character growth progression in Black Desert Mobile.
We will continuously support everyone to enjoy their adventures and help them in their progression even after completing the season character and switching back to their main characters.

Apart from the mentioned updates, we also have upcoming content regarding CP and the balance of upper-tier Node Wars, Siege Weapon update, and Tax Wagons.
We will continuously implement updates for fun adventures by providing you with various updates in the future.
Also, we will continuously listen to your feedback and make improvements through our various communication channels such as customer support and our community, including Discord and Facebook.

※ The content mentioned above is currently under development and may have some changes.

[Event Venue] Looking Back at the Heidel Ball! 📷

📣 We will introduce to you what happened in the venue of 2023 Heidel Ball!

△ A thorough preparation before the start of Heidel Ball.
We did our very best when it came to preparation even though the event was held online.

△ We can see a fully prepared rehearsal before the live stream commences.


△ CM Aiden, MC Laila, and Black Desert Mobile's partner creator, Soonyang greet Adventurers
around the world at the start of [2023 Heidel Ball]!

△ Chang-wook Kim, the Executive Head of Division of Black Desert Mobile greets Adventurers, and for the first time, Hyeong-gyu An, the Head of Game Design Division greets as well.
They start talking about the topics that need to be improved and have been regularly submitted by our Adventurers.

△ Introduction of a new content, "Character Copy!" You will now be able to enjoy your adventures using more character through this content!

△ Chang-wook Kim, the Executive Head of Division of Black Desert Mobile and Hyeong-gyu An, Head of Game Design Division (Black Desert Mobile) explains the newest region, Land of the Morning Light.

△  A news about the renewal of guild content, Node, and Siege war!

△ Chang-wook Kim, comes back to the stage and concludes <2023 Heidel Ball> through a special coupon
Thank you to all Adventurers for your love and support to Black Desert Mobile!

△ Chang-wook Kim, the Executive Head of Division, and Hyeong-gyu An, the Head of Game Design Division of Black Desert Mobile have made thorough preparations as they introduce the new content, Land of the Morning Light.

△ Black Shrine- the fight against bosses of the Land of the Morning Light! What do you think about the new bosses through the test video shown to everyone?

△ A quiz show via YouTube for Adventurers worldwide! We are amazed with the knowledge our Adventurers showed!

△ A Korean traditional game that perfectly matches the Land of the Morning Light, "Yutnori"

△ Chang-wook Kim, the Executive Head of Division concludes 2023 Heidel Ball through a gift coupon.

△ We would like to express our gratitude for the love and support of Black Desert Mobile, Adventurers!

Gift Summary! 🎫🎁

To Adventurers whom we have spent precious time with, and became closer to through [2023 Heidel Ball] livestream,
We would like to express our sincerest thanks through the following gifts:

- All coupons can be used until November 27(Mon), 23:59
- You must redeem the rewards obtained from the coupon in 7 days.
- "Blessing of W" item obtained from one of the coupons will be deleted on November 28(Tue) update.


Thank you again for the love and support!

We will do our very best in return for the warm support and interest you have shown us.

Thank you.