
Path of Glory Missions: Season 10 Begins!
EVENTS 2022.11.01

Path of Glory Missions: Season 10 Begins!


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Greetings, Adventurer!

Path of Glory has returned with a more action-packed Season 10!

We're giving out [Emblem of Brilliance (Season 10 Mystical Emblem)], [ Badge of Glory (Season 10)], [Path of Glory S10 Entry Pass] to help our Adventurers with progression. Complete Path of Glory 14 times to get them all!

Be sure to complete missions during the event period and enhance your Emblems! 


▏Event Period
After maintenance on Nov 1 (Tue) - until further notice

▏Event Details
- Complete Path of Glory Season 10 missions to obtain rewards.

▏Event Tab Open Requirement
- Complete the quest "For Glory"

※ Please Note
- Upon completion of the last mission, this event will disappear from the Events & Rewards Info page.
- The event period and conditions are subject to change.

Thank you.