
[Community Event] Gleam Giveaway Winners
EVENTS 2022.01.14


Greetings Adventurers,


Curious about the winners for the Black Desert Mobile's 2nd Anniversary Gleam giveaway?


The results are in and the wait is over!


The winners and prize information can be checked below.


Congratulations to all the winners!


If you are a Grand Prize winner, be sure to fill out the survey form at the bottom to receive your prize!



[Air Pods Pro + 3,000 Black Pearls]

keni (EU) K0taro (AS) Ownekdo (NA)



[2,000 Black Pearls]

AceMKV (EU) ProxyAlphaX (NA)
Li0nhard (NA) 72F93HDA (NA)
Goutam (AS) Thern (AS)
KHORTEX (NA) ChiggaFam (AS)
Selkie (NA) Vallexyo (AS)



[1,000 Black Pearls]

Peпguiи (NA) OneReous (AS) Prodigius (NA) Löst (EU)
Rheif (AS) 영웅Luck (AS) BLÖÖD (AS) Briganthn (NA)
Bullfunch (EU) Thandurlien (EU) änïcä (AS) Kobzar6 (EU)
HachiTachi (AS) Mércy (EU) Aeronvampair (EU) 花Shelly (EU)
xagok (EU) Rainhardtzar (AS) HeNu (EU) Pätö (NA)
친한Poro (AS) Мооnlоrd (AS) DeRamaFam (AS) ArchGod (AS)
Obizama (NA) Yumitea (NA) Jazzman (NA) Ridore (EU)
Luckym3h (NA) MÀT (AS) ELFraile (AS) Skywаlkеr (EU)
Finncaster (EU) Geo7 (AS) Lucossia (AS) Sahnky (EU)
Asclepios13t (EU)

rushmaker (EU)

Kij (EU) Smokeye (AS)


All Grand Prize winners must fill out the [Collection Agreement of Personal Information] survey in order to claim the prize.


📣 Deadline for Collection Agreement  of Personal Information

- Until January 20, 2022, 23:59 (GMT-8)

[Click here to submit the Agreement of Personal Information Collection and Other Required Documents]


- If you fail to fill out the form by the deadline, winnings will be canceled.

- There is no delivery fee for the prizes, and the delivery may take up to 1 month.

- In-game prize delivery will be fulfilled next week and the grand prize will ship out shortly after the survey deadline.

- Grand Prize reward cannot be replaced with in-game items.

- We do not take responsibility for any problems arising from incorrect addresses or information provided by Adventurers.

- For inquiries regarding how to receive the prize, please contact [Customer Support].


Thank you for all the participation and support!