
[Waiting for the New Class: Woosa] Event Summary
[Waiting for the New Class: Woosa]
Event Summary

Black Desert Mobile's First-ever Twin Class

Following her older twin Maegu, a sorceress wielding the power of an ancient fox,
she is a butterfly reaching her path of enlightenment
You will finally meet her on our upcoming update this January.

Join us this upcoming January update to welcome Woosa!
Participate in the Woosa events to gain incredible rewards

1/10 Event Preview

- Waiting for Woosa! Support Coupon
- Woodo School Training Prep Daily Missions
- Woosa's Gift

1/3 Event Preview
- New Class ‘Woosa’, Share Your Expectations! Event
- What Kind of “Do Wielder” are You According to your Birthday?
- Join Forces with Woosa and Release the Rabbit’s Spirit!

1/10 Event Preview

Generous events are ongoing
in Black Desert Mobile!

Event 1. Waiting for Woosa! Support Coupon

The fluttering butterfly who has reached the path of enlightenment is coming to Black Desert Mobile!
This is a notice regarding [Waiting for Woosa!] Support Coupon.

Waiting for Woosa! Support Coupon


※ The coupon can be used until Feburary 7(Tue), 2023 at 23:59

All items below can be redeemed after using the coupon
Woodo School Training Supplies x1
Dawning Moonstone x50

Daybloom x200
Nightbloom x50

Obtain the following items upon using 'Woodo School Training Supplies'

Adventurer's Primal Accessory Chest x1
Path of Glory S10 Entry pass x3

Event 2. Woosa's Gift

The energy of the Woodo School began to pervade the world of Black Desert Mobile.

Receive a chest full of this mysterious energy during the event period!

Navigate to the event tab and claim a [Mysterious Power Chest]!

[Mysterious Power Chest] can be opened from Jan 17.

Full details here

Event 3. Woodo School Training Prep Daily Missions

The energy of the Woodo School has began to spread in the world of Black Desert Mobile!

This mysterious energy calls Adventurers to prepare training supplies daily.

Log in every day and complete the missions to receive [100% Hot Time (1 Hour)] x1 and [Holy Vial of Light] x100.

You can also obtain [Woodo School Training Supplies] from completing the general mission!

Full details here

Maegu&Woosa The Tale of the Twins EP.2 🎧️

Black Desert Mobile’s first-ever twin classes.

The journey of the elder twin, Maegu, has started with Adventurers last December 13.


What story does it entail when the the twins were born on a leap year day,
when neither the sun nor moon lit the sky?

Watch the Second episode of the twin sister’s story through Black Desert Mobile’s official YouTube channel.


1/3 Event Preview

Generous events are ongoing

in Black Desert Mobile!

Event. 1. New Class ‘Woosa’, Share Your Expectations! Event

Black Desert Mobile’s first-ever twin class

With elegant, fluttering butterfly wings, this Do wielder of the Woodo School brings forth the storms!

At last, Adventurers will be able to meet the younger twin, Woosa this January in Black Desert Mobile!


As we all know, Maegu uses her do Magic and fox spirits to mesmerize her enemies.

But what could her sister, Woosa show us this time in Black Desert Mobile?

Let us know your expectations of Woosa’s charm and how it will be different from Maegu.
All Adventurers who will participate in the event will receive the reward below:

Korean Traditional Decoration Set 
Haetae Statue 
Bulletin Board of the East 
Traditional Street Lamp 
Camp Divine Guard: Underground Female Guard 
Camp Divine Guard: Underground Female General 
New Year Decoration Lantern 

ㆍ The event rewards will be sent in a sequential manner a week after the event ends 

Full details here

Event 2. What Kind of “Do Wielder” are You According to your Birthday?

Woosa is a Do-wielder that yields a fan as her main weapon.

This unique feature will definitely interest everyone who has yet to meet her!


Aren’t you curious if you get to be a Do wielder like Woosa?

Let’s find out through the table by matching your birth dates!


- Hanbok Ornament Gift Chest

ㆍBlack Gat: Winds of Dawn

ㆍRed Gat: Song of Crimson Winds

ㆍCamellia Wreath

ㆍCozy Snowflower Hat

ㆍFragrant Blossom

(Select and receive one of the following items upon use.)

Full details here

Event 3. Join Forces with Woosa and Release the Rabbit’s Sorcery!

Maegu, the older twin has already been updated in Black Desert Mobile!

But we are also currently preparing for the next upcoming class, Woosa.

Unfortunately, a giant rabbit enveloped with sorcery from a
black rock’s magic has been attacking the town of Velia, turning it into chaos.

There is energy is called [Butterfly Power], that can work against the black spell, but Adventurers need to help!

Together with Woosa, adventurers join forces to solve the black spell and save the rabbit!

Full details here